What Does Legal Insurance NOT Cover?

The insurance covers legal costs for specific types of legal problems that are mentioned in the policy. If you had a conflict before getting the insurance, you have to pay for that yourself, unless it becomes a problem during your insurance period.

When you get new insurance, you might have to wait 3 to 6 months before it starts covering you. But for some things like accidents or certain legal problems, it starts right away.


Here are some things the insurance usually doesn’t cover:

  • Claims not related to breaches of contract, as these are covered by liability insurance
  • Disputes involving gambling, betting contracts, or speculative investments
  • Disputes arising from immoral actions in areas such as racism, extremism, and pornography
  • Intentional criminal acts
  • Disputes among individuals covered under a family contract
  • Court fees for disputes in inheritance and family law

How Much Does Legal Insurance Cost?

Generally, the price you pay depends on your age, where you live, what areas of law are covered, the terms of the policy, and how much excess you choose.

In a recent study from 2023, Stiftung Finanztest found these average costs for legal insurance covering private, professional, and traffic matters with a deductible of €150 to €250:

  • For individuals: Monthly: between about €20 and €57, or €240 to €680 per year
  • For families: Monthly: between about €22 and €68, or €260 to €820 per year

How to Apply for Legal Insurance?

You have two options to get legal insurance: through an insurance broker or directly from the insurance company. Most of the time, you can apply online.


To use your legal insurance, you simply need to file a claim and the insurance company will handle the expenses. The cost of legal insurance depends on the type of insurance you purchase (the coverage level), as well as the insurance company. The price can be as little as under €20 per month in certain insurance providers in Germany.

Overall, legal insurance in Germany is an excellent way to protect yourself from unexpected legal expenses. With several insurance providers to choose from, you can find the best legal insurance that suits your needs and budget.

Whether you need coverage for labor, contract, family law, consumer protection, or other areas of law, legal insurance can provide you with peace of mind and financial security.

By applying for legal insurance in Germany, you can rest assured that you will be covered in case of a legal dispute and that your legal expenses will be taken care of by your insurance provider.


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