Make Online College Work for You
According to our research, 65% of students who study online have a full-time or part-time job. 91% of them have children under 18 at home. When you add college to the mix, things can quickly become overwhelming.
Working students, part-time and independent students graduate at a much lower rate than full-time, traditional students.
You can do it. The preparation is half the battle. How to get to the end and maximize your return on investment
Know What you want from your degree
Ask yourself why you are going to college. What do you want to achieve?
Choose your major carefully if you want to get a job that pays more. Some degrees will lead to higher-paying careers than others. The 10 most lucrative bachelor’s degrees in 2022 included computer science, petroleum engineering and business.
If you want to move up in your field, choose a degree that will provide you with the credentials you need.
Discover the best strategies for overcoming challenges in online learning on the next page.