3. Williams College, Williamstown Massachusetts

  • The average financial aid package for students with financial needs is $51,890
  • Students receiving financial aid for undergraduate studies: 1,014
  • Students who have had their full financial needs met: 100%
  • Annual tuition and fees $51,790
Williams College, Williamstown Massachusetts

According to the website, Williams College will meet 100% of every student’s need for financial assistance. The school awards more than $50 million in institutional financial aid each year to its students.


4. Amherst College, Amherst Massachusetts

  • The average financial aid package for students with financial needs is $51,775
  • The number of undergraduate students who received gift aid was 1,066
  • Students who have had their full financial needs met: 100%
  • The annual tuition and fees for students: $52,476
Amherst College, Amherst Massachusetts

Amherst College also aims to provide 100% of the financial needs of both domestic and foreign students.


Amherst College offers $50 million in scholarship money each year. Students can pay for college without having to rely on student loans. Amherst’s Class of 2017 graduates graduated with seven out of ten graduating without student loans. Compare this to 75% of graduates who graduated from a private non-profit college.

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