6. Vassar College, Poughkeepsie (New York)

  • The average financial aid package for students with financial need is $50,820
  • The number of undergraduate students who received gift aid is 1,548
  • 100% of studentsfinancial needs met
  • Annual tuition and fees $53,090
Vassar College, Poughkeepsie

According to the school, all Vassar students with family incomes below $270,000 received some form of gift aid during the past academic year.

Vassar is not an accident. It’s like other colleges in this list that Vassar provides 100% of the financial aid needed by its students. The college has stated that it is committed to providing full financial aid.


7. Webb Institute in Glen Cove, New York

  • The average financial aid package for students with financial needs is $50,710
  • Gift aid to undergraduate students: 33
  • Students who had their full financial needs met: 89%
  • Tuition and fees for the academic year: $48,775
Webb Institute in Glen Cove, New York

Webb Institute provides full-tuition scholarships to all students who are U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents. The school offers need-based financial aid for other costs of attendance, including room and board. These totalled $14,750 in the 2017-2018 school years.

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