5. Entertainment, media, sports jobs

If you’re a Stern MBA graduate and you’re into entertainment, media, or sports, you could make good money. Jobs at companies like NBCUniversal, Hulu, and Playstation, or even with big leagues like the NBA and NFL, offer six-figure salaries. On average, Stern MBA grads in these roles earn around $137,500, according to the 2022-23 employment report.

MBA grads from universities close to Hollywood, like UCLA and USC, also did well in entertainment and media jobs. Last year, their average salary was almost $120,000, according to reports from Anderson and Marshall.


6. Healthcare jobs

Health care is another industry where many MBA graduates can expect to earn six-figure salaries reliably. For example, in 2022, Tuck Business School graduates who entered health care, pharmaceuticals, and biotech roles earned base salaries ranging from $118,000 to $185,000.


While Tuck MBA graduates might not be inventing new drugs, they could be working on the marketing side, helping spread the word to patients, as explained by Pidgeon.

In 2022, University of Michigan–Ann Arbor (Ross) graduates earned a mean base salary of over $147,000 when entering healthcare roles. Similarly, Stanford Graduate School of Business grads who ventured into the healthcare industry enjoyed a mean base salary surpassing $198,000.

MBA graduates who become account managers for pharmaceutical companies can earn salaries ranging from $166,000 to $250,000.


Go to the next page to see some of the top universities for MBA programs in the USA:


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